Monday, August 17, 2009

Custom Search

It is amazing how many of us spend time formulating strategies vision and operational plans for our business. The following are some ways of improving the we manage ourselves with regards to careers in particular and life in general.
SET YOURSELF A VISION: What you want to achieve in the long term, in terms of your personal and professional life? The vision should be inspirational and holistic. A vision is not cast in stone and should be enough flexible to be changed so as to reflect changing circumstances.

BRAND YOURSELF: Decide on how you want others to see you and work towards enhancing this “brand image”. Be conscious about your image you attend meetings, talk to people, etc.

NETWORK: Network with people within and outside your organization, both in your area of expertise and outside it. Take time to talk to people and build a community of supporters.

LEARN NEW SKILLS: Decide where your knowledge is now and up to where you want improve. Therein, assess your “knowledge gaps” and set a goal of learning new competencies daily, weekly, and so on.

BE THE BEST: No matter what you do, be the best in your field. Many of us spend too much time trying to fill your gaps in your skill set rather than fortifying our strength.

THINK LIKE A WINNER: Dress well, eat well, sleep well, etc. Be physically and mentally strong enough. Exhibit energy, enthusiasm, and confidence every time by being your own master.

MANAGE YOUR WORK LOAD: Do not load yourself to the extent of sacrificing the quality of your work unless this is agreed to upfront with your relevant stakeholders. People remember sloppy jobs longer than the fact that you agreed to do.

TAKE TIME TO THINK ABOUT: Take at least one hour a day to reflect your day’s activities and what could you have done differently. Think about something you encountered and its impact on life. Think of improving something and work through various alternatives until you come up with solid ideas for enhancing the function.

ADD VALUE: In every task , think if adds value to you or your organization’s strategy. If not, think of a way to do it differently. See whether there are tangible benefits to your organization.

VOLUNTEER TO DO SOMETHING MORE: Do something more than your share. These tasks may visible to people who matter.

EXERCISE: Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. This will contribute to your physical and mental well being and energizes you throughout the day.

STRETCH JOBS: These are the jobs that you make grow. Be ready to move out of your comfortable zones and it will feel extremely uncomfortable at first, you may even fail. But you have to take care to lose or win.

MAKE WORK FUN: People are working 1/3 of the day in the office. Therefore, make your work place fun for everybody.

ENCOURAGE FEEDBACK: Use every opportunity to get feedback on your performance from your superiors, peers and of course form subordinates. It is also important to draw out the negative feedback also which the areas for development.

PRIORITIZE YOUR ACTIVITIES: Always prioritize your works as follows. 01. Important and urgent. 02. Urgent but not important 03. Important but not urgent. 04. Not important and not urgent.


KEEP THE RIGHT COMPANY: Nothing can be more energy sappingg than talking to people who are negative. So keep company with positive thinking and progressive people. Get good mentors from inside and outside the organization whom you trust and respect to give you an unbiased opinion.

KEEP AN OPEN MIND: Embrace diversity, reserve judgment, be tolerant of the way other people think. Keep an open mind when listening to people.

DEVELOP YOUR BRAIN: Most of us have dominant side of the brain, which we use frequently. We would be more effective if both side of the brain can be utilized in solving complex problem.. To develop the non dominant side of the brain, we need to carry out some tasks which stimulate the development of that side. If you are highly analytical and logical person, painting or doing something creative can develop the opposite side of the brain.


Custom Search

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